Starting Your Day Right: The Power of Writing and Reading in the Morning - Day 5 of Writing Everyday

Starting your day off by writing or reading can be a productive and satisfying way to utilize your peak alertness in the morning. You may even be able to tackle the toughest task of the day before even taking a shower, which can free you from stress and allow for a smoother day.

Personally, I like to begin by jotting down important tasks for the day, such as buying an alarm clock. Then, I reflect on things I am grateful for and combat any negative thoughts that may arise. Negativity often stems from fixating on factors beyond our control, which is illogical. As Gandhi once said, "be the change you want to see in the world." If you desire more positivity, for example, smiling and being kind to others can inspire them to do the same.

Although I have considered attending church for the sense of community and shared belief in a higher good, I prefer reading books on my own and interpreting them independently. Reading is a powerful tool for self-awareness, which can help to prevent acting impulsively on emotions that may lead to regret and hurt others. Stoicism promotes rational thinking, and a book I recently read called "How to Be a Stoic" by Massimo Pigliucci offers practical tips, exercises, and meditations for leading a better life. Essentially, to improve your life, start acting in ways that align with those who enjoy their lives and avoid actions that contribute to a negative mindset.

So in summary then:

  • Writing or reading in the morning can be productive and satisfying when you are most alert.

  • Starting with a task list and reflecting on gratitude and combating negative thoughts can set a positive tone for the day.

  • Focusing on things outside of our control can lead to negativity, and Gandhi's quote "be the change you want to see in the world" can inspire positivity.

  • Reading books on your own can promote self-awareness and prevent impulsive actions based on emotions.

  • Stoicism promotes rational thinking, and "How to Be a Stoic" by Massimo Pigliucci offers practical tips, exercises, and meditations for leading a better life.

  • To improve your life, start acting in ways that align with those who enjoy their lives and avoid actions that contribute to a negative mindset.

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