The Piss Take

Piss in the toilet means that I am less made up of piss than I was before that piss was a part of me, now that is to say that time exists, that I exist and that the piss exists because I exist and after I pissed I still exist but in a different form without the piss. Things still exist even when a part of them is taken away, piss, relatives, trees, thoughts? Do thoughts still exist when we forget them? By writing things down do we make thoughts immortal? If our thoughts are immortal then do we continue to exist, is saying that to think that existence is simply the agreement that we exist with others. If I proclaim I no longer exist, I still exist, even when I’m dead I still exist, when I’m scattered amongst the world after I have finished living, I still exist in the minds of the living. To remember, to read and learn about the existence of people is to keep them alive and well? To make successful art then is to make art that can keep existing through reading about, coming across ideas and images of your thoughts. Our minds, our personalities are us more so than are physicality are, we have to think in order to function, if we include automatic thinking in thinking as a whole then do we still exist when we die and automatic thinking stops? Yes, because the piss has left us but we still exist.

#ObjectOrientatedOntology #Pisstake

Making pastels and attempting to make Verdigris from scratch.

Started the day with some sour dough and java, then a nice bike ride, on return my next-door neighbour heard about my idea to use some copper to make Verdigris and gave me some copper to use. After eating some spicy pheasant breast, I drove to the studio and made another paper assemblage, ate some sour jellybeans and made a hematite red and clay pastel, but with clay I levigated to get the crap out of it and then dried and crushed so it mixed better with the pigment. I think this will make a nicer pastel than just using the clay without processing it. When I got home, I heated up some vinegar and poured it into a glass jar I put bits of the copper pipe into, hopefully a reaction will happen over the next week or more and I’ll get some pigment I can use. Ate too much garlic bread today. Peace out.

copper pipes submerged in distilled malt vinegar. if this doesn’t work I’ll try a mixture of peroxide and vinegar.

copper pipes submerged in distilled malt vinegar. if this doesn’t work I’ll try a mixture of peroxide and vinegar.

dry clay, crushed, dry powder clay next to hematite, mix of both, moisture added and finished product.

dry clay, crushed, dry powder clay next to hematite, mix of both, moisture added and finished product.