Mindful Walking: How Nature Inspires Creativity and Mental Well-being - Day 8 of writing everyday

Today, I went on a lengthy walk with my dog to breathe in some fresh air and collect new material/subject matter for the artworks I am planning to create. During my walk, I became increasingly aware that nothing around me is ever truly still. Even the ground beneath my feet was slowly shifting, reminding me that we live on a floating rock in space with tectonic plates rubbing against each other until they collide. I observed the tree branches swaying with the wind, the chirping of birds, and the unusual sounds my feet made as I walked through the muddy paths. As a result, I decided to record these sounds, which helped me focus on the present moment.

In my opinion, walking alone through nature is an excellent way to practice mindfulness. I believe this is why so many people go on walks – it replenishes our minds and enables us to return to the moment, without dwelling too much on the past or the future. Today, there is a lack of appreciation for the present moment, as people tend to focus more on what they want and what is coming next. However, it is essential to cherish the present moment, as it is the only thing we have. We cannot control the future, and we certainly cannot change the past, so not dwelling on either of those things can help us appreciate the beauty of life more.

Lastly, I have inserted an audio clip of my walk for you to listen to. I would love to hear your thoughts on how it makes you feel and what it inspires you to think about in the comment section below.