The Power of Regular Cleaning: Enhancing Productivity and Self-Care - Day 12 of Writing everyday

The importance of cleaning for efficiency cannot be overstated. I recently encountered a challenge when attempting to clean glass with dried oil paint that had been neglected. Despite my efforts to maintain a clean environment, leaving these two pieces of glass unattended made the cleaning process more difficult. This experience highlighted the significance of tackling cleaning tasks regularly, preventing the accumulation of dirt and grime that can make cleaning more arduous and time-consuming.


Completing cleaning tasks as soon as possible after use ensures a clean and tidy environment, akin to having a fresh canvas to work with every day. Not only does this create a more efficient and productive space, but it can also have a significant impact on our mental well-being. Taking care of tasks that make our lives more comfortable is an act of self-care that allows us to enjoy the present moment.

The principle of regular, small exercises can also be applied to other areas of life. Delaying difficult tasks until the last minute often results in increased stress levels and may lead to poor performance. Consistent practice of small exercises can help develop skills over time and lead to better outcomes. Like the compounding effect of pennies in a jar, even small efforts can contribute significantly to the overall success of a project.

Neglecting tasks is a common pitfall that many individuals fall into. However, taking care of these tasks regularly is a wise approach that leads to better outcomes in the long run. Even small efforts in completing a task can contribute significantly to the overall success of the project. By doing the work now rather than later, we can ensure that we have more time for the things we enjoy and can avoid the stress and worry that comes with procrastination.

In conclusion, the power of regular cleaning and completing tasks regularly cannot be underestimated. This approach leads to improved productivity, mental well-being, and self-care. Taking care of tasks as soon as possible prevents the accumulation of dirt and grime that can make cleaning more challenging, and consistent practice of small exercises can lead to better outcomes in all areas of life. By taking care of ourselves in this way, we can enjoy the present moment and ensure that we are prepared for the future.

One book that has gained widespread popularity for its approach to decluttering and organizing is "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo.

Kondo's method, called the KonMari Method, encourages readers to evaluate their possessions based on whether they bring them joy. By focusing on what truly matters to them, readers are able to let go of items that no longer serve a purpose in their lives. The end result is a home filled only with items that bring joy and a sense of peace.