Shrek is turning kids to drugs, here's all you need to know

Shrek makes kids take drugs

In a shocking turn of events, recent research has suggested that the beloved animated movie Shrek has been linked to an alarming rise of drug abuse amongst the Gen Z population. The research, conducted by the Institute of Youth Studies, focused on the effect of watching the movie Shrek on the mental health of Gen Zers. It concluded that watching the movie had a negative psychological impact on the young viewers, leading to an increase in the use of drugs to cope with the emotional stress. The researchers found that after watching the movie, Gen Zers were more likely to try drugs and engage in drug-related activities. The reasons for this were two-fold. Firstly, the movie's protagonist, an ogre, was seen as a role model for many Gen Zers. It was seen as a representation of the rebellious and anti-establishment attitude of the youth. Secondly, the movie was found to be incredibly humorous and entertaining, which made it easier to view drugs in a positive light. The researchers also noted that the movie was filled with messages and themes that glamorized drug use. For example, the main character, Shrek, was seen using drugs to cope with his emotional pain. This could have had a subconscious effect on viewers, making them more likely to turn to drugs as a way of dealing with their own struggles. The study concluded that Shrek was a contributing factor to the increase in drug abuse among Gen Zers. It suggested that more research needs to be done in order to understand the relationship between the movie and the rise of drug abuse in this generation. It is clear that Shrek has had a profound effect on the mental health of Gen Zers. Until more is known about the movie's influence, it is important for parents to be aware of the potential dangers it can pose and to make sure their children are not exposed to it.