Jack Halford

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day 18 of writing everyday

We must engage with people usually othered and be okay when we are called white, because if we are and we call others black or brown then why don’t we like being called white. If that is offensive to you, or makes you feel funny then take a step back and evaluate the world you are living in. it’s well easy to get offended easily if you have it easy because of your identity, even if you are working class or a massive prancing gay boy or something, you’ll still be better off than someone else. Everything is relative of course but what im trying to say is being offended gets you no where, like anyone being offended by anything. Is it ever valid? Probably, but is it a waste of time thinking about it, yes. Yes it is. If someone is a prick then you have every right to speak up but if you are just uncomfortable because you’ve never been challenged on something, but it’s not like proper dodgy to say, then pause bruh.


Yup this is a late night blog post.